I have been struggling on what to write next. I have had many instances that I could write about but nothing sounded good to me once typed out. My mind has been all over the place lately. Prioritizing, and organizing every aspect of my life. I guess that has gotten in the way of my Blog lol :). So then a thought came to mind. Why don't I just share two things with you that I have already written. Two poems that are dear to my heart. Some of you have already read them but here I will share with you my feelings about them and how I came to write them. So here goes the first one.....
What wonder what wonder
We see all this thunder
Judgement and hatred
Make us go under
Fuck you, says who
Yea you, that dude
Don't you know?
You should have known better
There you go again judging another
But when judging one judging
Arent we doing it too?
Having the last word
Makes you the fool
Peace is speechless
No words worthy to describe it
So lets all be like peace
and just be quiet
How do you hear peace anyway?
In your head, in your heart, and actions today?
We should feel it with meaning and harmony.
Bleeding hearts with peace seem strong to me
Hates a strong word but peace is stronger
And if that weren't true
We wouldn't be here any longer
Riddle me that you hatred lovers
We don't care if you look down on us
Ive explained everything in my words before
I hope it shakes your mind and rocks you to the core!
Now That you have read it I'll tell you why it came out of me for you to see. At this point in my life I was tired of no one getting along and always arguing! I was feeling low, sad, mad, and determined! Knowing that I things could be better if we could just HEAR each other.. and because of that this came out.. :) Through all of this I did something and things got better which led me to the second one...
I Believe in Sunshine
I believe in sunshine
I believe in rain
I believe that praying
is what will ease the pain
Imagine if we couldn't
or prayer didn't exist,
What would we do?
How many would be slain?
Instead of crying "help me God"
We'd have no words to scream!
I believe in sunshine
I believe in rain
I believe that praying
is saying thanks for our grateful gain
Imagine if we couldn't
or prayer didn't exist
We'd have no one to thank
For this humble abyss!
I believe that praying
is something you don't want to miss!
So.... Now that you have read both. Peace, Prayer, Love, Happiness, all of these are what I'm trying to accomplish in my life and with this blog! I have never been really that open about things that are dear to me things that I cherish but we all should be! I hope that my boldness in stepping out will encourage you all. In whatever way that may be. Have a wonderful day!!!!!
PS: the picture at the top features " I Believe in Sunshine " It was made by one of the people who inspire me most in life! My Aunt Kristen! :) I love her very much! You would too if you knew her! She is also one who tries to "walk without shoes" Check her creations out here: Peaceful Treasures
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